
VARIOUS ARTISTS   100 Way Splatter Fetish Volume II   CD   (Alarma)    11.98


Grindcore compilations can be a tough sell. There are some crucial classic comps that have come out - Hardcore Holocaust: The Peel Sessions, the Grindcrusher comp, North Atlantic Noise Attack and Bllleeeeaaauuurrrrgghhh! - The Record all spring to mind - but even with a top-notch lineup of bands, a compilation of nothing but grindcore can be a real endurance test. If I'm going to listen to an assload of bands blast and growl and shriek at insane speeds and deafening levels of volume, the only way it's going to keep my interest is if there's a certain level of unpredictability in the program. While there is a lot of straightforward grind brutality packed onto the 100 Way Splatter Fetish compilations, these comps also have some of the craziest, most ridiculous grind bands you might ever hear, and the mix of over-the-top brutality and totally unexpected weirdness makes 'em one of my favorite series of comps. Volume II in the series again comes to us from the Mexican death/grind label Alarma Records, and follows up the first disc that came out back in 2007. This second entry again follows the template set down by Slap A Ham's old Bllleeeeaaauuurrrrgghhh! comp: the disc is maxed out with as many tracks as they can squeeze on here , with one hundred different bands each serving up a super-short song that tends to average around a minute or less in length. The album is also again graced with some of the most loathsome sover art ever, another hideous, garishly colored cartoon depicting scenes of pervo depravity that are better left undescribed, and as you'd expect with an album filled with bands that have ultra-grossout names like Womb Goo Gai Pan and Rectal Smegma, you get a richly flavored serving of atrocious song titles like "Shy Lesbians Defecation", "Dildo Arse Pumping", and, yes, "Scrotum Paturei". It's a goregrind aficionados wet dream, an oozing grab-bag of face-shredding sonic violence that's got a gazillion left-turns, and much of Splatter Fetish II actually ventures into pretty far-out and avant grind territory, a large number of the bands falling into that weird grind/gabber/techno/industrial grind realm.

There's always a couple of bands on compilations like this that leap out from the mix: one of my favorite tracks on here is "Inevitable Foot Mush" from the band Eustachian; the song clocks in at just over a minute, but they manage to combine a KILLER classic sounding metal riff with wild electronic effects and guttural, tough-as-nails death metal vocals, vaguely sounding like a cross between Genghis Tron and Painkiller-era Judas Priest...this song is pretty killer, and I'll definitely be hunting down some more stuff from these guys. Another new favorite that I've discovered on Splatter Fetish II is Malchemist, an American one-man band who blends together primitive drum n' bass, synthpop, menacing (but ridiculously catchy, too) synth-bass riffs, and some insanely deep and hellish-sounding vocals; his track "My Life As A Maggot" sounds like some early 90's industrial/techno outfit possessed by Candarian demons.

And just like Volume One, this compilation is overstuffed with loads of other super-short but brilliantly demented blasts of weirdo-grind. Some of the standouts, in no particular order: Vulvulator's thrashy and catchy grindpunk anthem "Anal Yog-Sothoth", the awesomely blown-out and filthy grind of Dead Infection, and the manic mach ten energy of Viscera, who combines insane-sounding gibbering high-pitched vocals with hyperfast hardcore. Italy's Spermbloodshit break out another short dose of their killer mixture of goregrind and Italian hardcore that I dug so much on their album from earlier this year, and the bizarrely named Grandma delivers some of the most vile, "liquefied" pitchshifted vocals I've ever heard on their super-catchy goregrind jam "Diggin' Da Dumpster". Ebolie's "Tongue Surfing The Vegemite Pit" manages to wedge in about eight seconds of funk in the middle of a furious grind assault, while Holocausto Canibal's "Empalada Via Espinal Dorsal Empalamento II" features some crazed bass soloing and squiggly fretboard burn over their primal goreblast.

It just keeps coming: Cannibal Motivation employ some weird backwards percussion effects and programmed blasting for their putrid goregrind, and the pitchshifted vocals for Vaginal Tormentor alternately sound like a swarm of crickets and a six-hundred pound warthog whose entire head is buried in a vat of jello. There's supremely brutal jackhammer-gabba from Electo Toilet Syndrom, who sound like Nasenbluten crossed with Cannibal Corpse, and Duodildo Vibrator features massive detuned chugging and bizarre, almost industrial percussive sounds, as if the band was playing tribal rhythms on a row of old oildrums and engine blocks. There's the weirdo garagey grindpunk of Breakteeth Pan's "Necrocannibalistic Vomitorium", complete with nuclear surf guitar, goofy sing-along casio polka, drunken hoe-down samples and gastrointestinal vocals from Rectal Smegma, the bizarre, almost hip-hop like cadence of Noxious Coitus's sub-harmonic toilet bowl monster vocals, drum-machine powered robo-goregrind with electronic basslines from Pigtailes, and groovy garage grindrock from Anal Gut Haemorrhage, who play something similiar to a metal version of the Spy Hunter theme but with a singer who sounds like a malfunctioning toilet backing up.

I'm always stoked to hear some more new stuff from that absurd techno-gore outfit Womb Goo Gai Pan, and they deliver another short blast of old-school techno with gaseous pitchshifted goregrunts with "Hyperlabia". Wormfarm's "Deep Laceration Wounds" is a monstrous mashup of mid-paced goregrind, programmed electronic beats and multiple vocalists all shrieking, bellowing and puking at the same time, while Cemetery Rapist play catchy, brutal death metal with, again, a giant cricket for a vocalist. Contenders for one of the best named bands on this disc, Vomit Inducing Scrotum Punch are another goregrind outfit using whacked out electronic blasting and ultra-downtuned vocals, but also add on a ton of distortion, noise, and fucked-up vocal processing. There's some silly, psychedelic casio-grind from Headcrash, who remind me of a much heavier version of S.M.E.S., and Malignant Germ Infestation starts off as low-fi grindcore, then morphs into pulsating old-school techno at the end.

And there's so much more weirdness going on here as you get deeper into the compilation: the crushing distorted gabber beats and immense distorted riffing of Tourette Syndrom, trippy, electronically-warped deathtronix from Gross, splatter-casio/techno weirdness from Choked From Anus, amazingly nightmarish industrial dub-dirge of Fried Human Meat's "Behind You", which sounds like Throbbing Gristle remixing a late 80's death metal demo track, and the wicked bestial drum n' bass and gore-gabber mashup of Battery Acid Facial's "PCP Cage Fight".

Anal Odor Nicht Sein are one of least grinding bands on here, with a track called "Lochfrass" that combines treated percussion sounds and crazed non-verbal gibberish into something more like an early Boredoms jam, and CheezFace spreads vile vomitous vocals across buzzing electronic noise, making their track sound more like some Japanese noise offering. DJ Urine's "Unicorn Rapist" is a psychotic collage of 8-bit melodies, goregrind vocals, splattery gabber beats, chaotic tape noise and loads of other electronic mayhem, while Deleete emits a brutal beam of sped-up, carnivorous digital gabber with "Giant Shrimps".

There's RxAxPxE's pure hard drive meltdown, a drug-fueled mashup of fucked-up chopped-up grunts, overmodulated rhythms, exploitation movie samples, and digital glitch, a Haters-esque free-noise/grindnoise jam from I Will Decapitate Your Chihuahua, and the looped vocal, sheet metal percussion, and feedback infected noisecore of Noiseconcrete. El Muermo's pure Merzbowian noise blossoms into stuttering, immense low end deathgrind, and Gorgonized Dorks deliver some psychedelic thrashpunk. And Succulent Torso sound like someone mixing Merzbow, Agathocles, and Delta 9 together into a whirlwind of white-noise destruction, a short but skull-wrecking blast of bile-splattered low-fi ultranoize speedcore. And both A Child Corpse In A Trash Bag and Epiploenterocele Pusliquid Wormchunk sound like hyperspeed drum programming set to an Emil Beaulieau noise set.

Plus plenty more ridiculously brutal grindcore and microblast death metal from Stoma, Spasm, Stickoxydal, Emetica, The Bitch In The Van, Horrificia, Chocked By Own Vomits, Dismembered Fetus, Sperm Of Mankind, Rubufaso Mukufo, Ass To Mouth, Rectal Foreign Bodies, Ultimo Mondo Cannibale, Rompestromper, Englufed In Flies, Vaginal Necrosis, Oerjgrinder, Fekalizator, Nefarious Baptism, AAS, Hybrid Viscery, Patisserie, Scatological Madness Possession, Social Shit, Carnivore Mind, Mixomatosis, Flactorophia, Intumescence, Brutal Decomposition, Cerebral Oedema, PxUxSx, Abosranie Bogom, Compulsive Vulvolatric Intruders, XXX Maniak, Visceranalspermatorgiasticpus, brutal drum-machine driven and electronically-enhanced grindcore from Psychotic Sufferance, VxRxVx, HxAxSx, Decomposing Serenity, Scumfuck, DxSxOx, Gore, Throatplunger, Libido Airbag, Septic Mutation, Carnival Of Carnage, Raped Bitch, Malaria, Anal Birth, Sexchange, and gabber/hardcore techno-infected sickness of Foetal Fuck Aphrodisiac, Red Hot Piggy Pussys, Ladyscraper, Lacerated Tissue, and Mutilated Ear-Drum.

Whew! It should be obvious that this is for extreme grind/death/noise fanatics only, as the brutality/insanity is cranked to eleven from start to finish. For grindfreaks with a taste for the weird, however, there's a TON of amazingly freaked-out bands on here to blast your ears with!

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