
VARIOUS ARTISTS   The World Will Fall Soon And We Will All Die   CD   (Selfmadegod)    5.00

A triple-header of Polish grindcore, blasting yer cranium at mindbending speed! And what has us extremely stoked on this 3-way split CD is the fact that

it opens with six, count 'em, six exclusive tracks from the unstoppable ANTIGAMA! Hell yes, we've been waxing fanatic about these futuristic blast

merchants since we first heard their amazing Zeroland album, and we're always needing more Antigama! So yeah, this killer split, covered in

nihilistic anti-war imagery, opens with six Antigama tracks, all of which are exclusive to this disc. The songs are pretty much in the same vein as their

Zeroland material, jagged, tightly controlled blasts of technical grindcore that seem to move in odd time signatures, with a feel similiar to that

of Napalm Death's experimental mid-90's stuff (think Diatribes) and Brutal Truth, but with an otherworldy patina of alien discordance on their

avant-grind attacks. Some of the truly mind melting moments can be found in "Questions" when Antigama's drummer suddenly launches into a series of fucking

insane percussion freakouts closer to out-jazz than anything else, and the mindmelting guitar noise employed on "Repeatedness" that sounds like one

of the guitarists suddenly decided to dismantle his instrument mid-song. Amazing. This album would be totally worth it just for the Antigama tracks, but

luckily Selfmadegod saw fit to match them up with two totally worthy partners. Third Degree deliver three tracks of raw, violent grindcore with a singer

named Czarny who manages to leap from deep gutteral monster growls to horrific, slit-throat cackling vocals over a speedy apocalyptic grindpunk assault.

Their four songs here seem to be less percussive than their awesome full length on SMG, which we remember sounding something like a mix of Godflesh and

Napalm Death. This is brutal, unrelenting grind though, no doubt, layering discordant guitars and catchy hooks a la recent Napalm Death. And who best to wrap

up this grind feast than a band that features members of both Antigama AND Third Degree, the strangely named Herman Rarebell! We presume that the band is

named after the drummer from the Scorpions, but who knows. These guys blaze through seven tracks of speedy grindcore that's even rougher and more raw than

Third Degree, but just as crushing. Blistering barbaric grindmetal with fucked up gargling screams, weird rhythmic changes, and ending with a ripping cover

of "Mutual Trust" by Defecation. Awesome. Love the layout for this too, using lots of high contrast, politically charged imagery and metallic silver


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