��Just got this vile blast of brain-melting gorenoise back in stock. Coagulated Dialysis Of Partial Disintegrated Viscerosolids is the latest full length disc from the cult one-man gorenoise outfit Vomitoma, masterminded by Steve Pekari, the same Ohio-based maniac behind a number of other agonizingly heavy and hideous anti-musical projects that I've been a fan of, including Reclusa, Diseased Oblivion and Thanatoseptis. If you've heard any of those other bands, then you're at least a little bit prepared for the levels of extreme noise-damaged barbarism that Pekari's projects can ascend to.
��With this latest Vomitoma disc, he regurgitates more of that bizarre, ultra repulsive industrialized sewer metal that made previous releases like The Abortuary and Liquid Harvest such a blast; this shit is mind-melting, way closer in feel to extreme noise than "metal", but also insanely heavy. As soon as Coagulated kicks in, the album blasts the listener with a foul cacophony of gurgling subhuman vocalizations, rumbling low-end noise, and frenzied reverb-drenched bass riffage all splattered over the violent drum-machine programming. The sickening throat spasms and harsh noise of "Preflux" introduces this mess, then rips through forty-six tracks of irradiated day-glo gorenoise horror with titles like "Secretions Of Diseased Adipose", "Shooting Up Glandular Pus With A Dirty Needle" and "Vomitswamp Of Mutated Abortions". Each short blast is insanely brutal, bludgeoning the listener with deformed, noise-damaged goregrind, spastic drum machines that blast and pound in erratic, often abstract patterns, often degenerating into a mass of formless noise that leaves any semblance of tempo or rhythm in the muck. Those gurgling, gastrointestinal vocal noises are way out in front of the mix, slipping and oozing over the relentless near noisecore-level pandemonium. The "songs" will sometimes settle into a crushing goregrind groove, where the music suddenly lurches into massive slow-motion tectonic sludge that stretches out beneath the gurgling sonic scum. The bass guitar bulldozes its way across the industrialized vomitscape, massively downtuned and sickeningly distorted, bringing a noxious concrete-mixer abrasiveness to the music.
��It's bizarre stuff, even by goregrind standards, layered with weird insect-like noises and disgusting ambient textures, like recordings of someone's lower intestine amplified to thunderous volume and draped over some mutant Reek of Putrefaction-influenced goredeath heaviosity. What sets this apart from other goregnoise outfits is the sheer massiveness of some of these riffs and the drum machine, which produces that industrial-tinged doom feel on a bunch of these tracks; when those crushing monstrous dirges kick in, it's akin to some slowed down filthier version of early Godflesh or Pitchshifter being played over the sounds of a septic system backing up. A hateful, ultra-violent blast of psychedelic gore-drenched chaos that anyone into the extreme audio sickness of bands like Last Days Of Humanity, Anal Birth, Biocyst and Urine Festival should be checking out pronto. Comes in supremely gross digipack packaging.