Man, this def ranks as one of the nastiest harsh noise albums of the 90's. 50,000 Fans was the sole full length from grindcore legend Scott Hull, who is also known for his work in neo-blast outfits Pig Destroyer, Agoraphobic Nosebleed, and Anal Cunt. Released in 1997, this album merges Hull's post-Anal Cunt noisecore aggression with classic power electronic venom and crushing Japanese noise inflected circuit apocalypse. Not one moment of respite on this mother, this is explosive feedback n' jet engine vox and mind grinding low-end blower feast that torpedos your skull into an endless ocean of rippling distortion. Fucking DENSE, like having a malfunctioning clock radio rammed into your ear canal with a Boeing 747. Word has it that Relapse is unleashing more JTCH in 2006? Holy shit? Packaged in classic minimalist RRR/Pure junked-silkscreened wallet sleeve.