
CORPOPARASSITA / DYSKINESIA   split   CD   (Frohike Records)    10.99

Of all of the stuff that I've recently picked up and written up for the C-Blast catalog, this limited-edition Italian import has the weirdest handmade packaging of 'em all. Limited to three hundred copies (the effort behind assembling all of these was probably pretty considerable!), the disc is affixed to a plastic CD hub attacked to a small panel of corkboard, glued to a larger panel of hardened and recycled paper pulp, a hand-numbered insert also attached to the panel, the whole thing housed in a grey cloth bag with silk-screened purple line art of strange alien forms. It's really striking in its design. Both of the featured bands on this split hail from the Italian post-industrial / experimental metal underground, with each of these bands standing in stark contrast to the other, style-wise. The music from both is intertwined, with the music from death-droners Corpoparassita alternating with the blown-out noise-sludge of Dyskinesia. It's a pretty rad pairing, the music of each band complimenting the other, producing a dark and apocalyptic union. Feels like less of a "split" and more a collaboration, with the sub-sonic dark ambient of Corpoparassita effectively serving as parenthesis and interlude for the gigantic slow-motion heaviness of Dyskinesia.

Crawling out of a cloud of creepy samples and deep, rumbling drone, the three Corpoparassita songs are pulsating masses of putrescent plasma, electrified hum lashed to vast tectonic reverberations, combining elements of the heaviest dark ambient with a clinical, Slaughter Productions-esque feel. These tracks ("Concetto Falsificato Di Dio", "Cruentatio", and "Purgare La Roba Infetta E Sospetta") evoke the massive emanations of deep, radiation-drenched drift a la the likes of Herbst9, Beyond Sensory Experience, Inade, Phelios and the most shapeless ambient moments of Nordvargr's work. Limitless, stygian blackness that makes me feel as if I am plummeting in time-delay down through a bottomless fissure in the earth. It all sounds so huge and oppressive and empyreal, and sometimes stunning in its bleak, catastrophic beauty.

The alternating pair of Dyskinesia tracks are pulverizing, even more so because of the surrounding ambient tracks. The first of these songs is made up of grinding, over-modulated guitars, hypnotic glacial riffing, earthmoving percussive force, and awesome distant vocalizations, this stuff sometimes resembles a more chaotic The Angelic Process, painfully, torturously slow as the other instruments churn themselves into a wall of distorted noise, a simple, two-chord riff underscoring everything. Those bawling vocals are primal and wordless: howling, aching emissions from a field of extreme emotion, part anguish, part exultant. A vast, slightly shoegazey presence surrounds all of this. The droning, minimalist, ultra-heavy sludge collapsing into huge tangles of roaring sound as the instruments all dissolve beneath their combined weight. But the second one gets even more blurry and smeared, only hints of percussion and guitar swirling in this black soup of improvisational skree and rumble, still fucking heavy, but now completely imploded, a ruin of cosmic doom-metal elements scattered to the solar winds, hints of krautrock-ish clatter deep underneath all of the crustal movement. Ultimately building to a monumental wall of wall-rattling rumble, flecked with smatterings of freeform cymbal work and percussive patter, squealing tape noise and howling feedback, meandering bits of psychedelic guitar, star-eating electronics and wretched synthesizer noodling, remote vocals ululating in ecstasy, and an overload of effects pedal trippiness that pushes the whole thing out beyond the edges of the void. Wow.

Track Samples:
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