
MASONNA   Recycled Music   CASSETTE   (RRRecords)    4.98

Here is the 1999 contribution from Japanese noise legend Masonna to RRR's infamous Recycled Music Series cassette series, this one possessing some of his sickest throat exorcisms yet. If you're not yet familiar with Masonna's M.O., Maso Yamazaki runs his voice as source material through a bank of processors and effects, culminating in an extreme blast of psychedelic death distortion that's at least as immolating as the heaviest, most acidic Merzbow/Incapacitants jams. This near-half hour tape condenses brutal deathmetal utterances and Evil Dead howling into a single lacerating stream of shortwave jet-engine violence that blanks out your mind after about five minutes. Excellent!

This being a part of RRR's infamous Recycled Music series, Masonna's jam is dubbed over assorted commercial pre-recorded music cassettes that had been traded into the RRRecords shop in Lowell, MA. Each is one of a kind, as the nature of dubbed cassettes allow for glimmers of the original audio content to often bleed into the crushing noise assault that has been dubbed onto the tape. Comes in a handassembled case/sleeve with duct tape scrawled in black marker across the front.