
SPACE STREAKINGS   Hatsu Koi   CD   (Nux Organization)    14.98


I'm sure a bunch of you Japanese freak-rock fanatics have already punched the Buy button as soon as you saw this one on the list - this mid-90's album from the band Space Streakings has been out of print and really hard to find for years, and has been heavily traded and swapped amongst fans of hyperkinetic Japan-blast over the past decade. The C-Blast radar picked up on the last copies of this killer disc though, and we've got about a dozen or so available.

Frequently compared to Japan's legendary Boredoms, Space Streakings played a form of spastic, speedy skronkcore that's been compared to a cross between the cult D.C. noise punk band No Trend, Butthole Surfers and Boredoms. Add into that a little bit of drum machine grind, a dozen malfunctioning arcade games, and a jazz horn ensemble and speed the whole thing up to 120 bpm, and you'll be in the general vicinity of the insane shit that this band was doing on the the KK NUll-produced album Hatsu Koi. The band members all had nonsensical names and played mutant instruments with bizarre titles that only hinted at the levels of blasting squonk they were capable of emitting, consisting of Screaming Stomach (vocals, guitar, trumpet, and "kazooka"), Captain Insect (bass,voice,programming), Karate Condor ("discoattacker","dragonballz",vocals), and Kame Bazooka (vocals, alto sax, and "bazookahorn"). The eleven songs on Hatsu Koi rush by at supersonic speed, combinging blasting drum machine rhythms that veer from funky breakbeats to full-on blastbeats, funk-rock basslines, whistling, turntables, squealing sax, thrashy punk riffage, massive brain-destroying air horns way up in the mix that blare straight into yer fucking skull, and multiple vocalists shouting, chanting, whopping and wailing all over one another. It's heavily layered, jazz damaged panic-attack collage-thrash that'll raise yer blood pressure by a good bit, exemplified by the sixth track "Hiropon Goo!!", a batshit Agoraphobic Nosebleed-meets-Boredoms drum machine funkblast. I'm amazed that I never heard this album before. Highly recommended to anyone into insanoid skronk-wave Japanese craziness like Melt Banana and Boredoms!

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