
UTLAGR   Traditions Normandes   CD   (Paradigms)    11.98

More ripping black metal from the Paradigms series, following up that recent killer Throne Of Katarsis CD. Utlagr deliver epic, majestic Scandanavian style black metal in the vein of Mayhem, Immortal, and early Satyricon, only Utlagr aren't Scandinavian, they're French Canadian, and their music is a pagan tribute to Rolfr Utlagr, the founder of Normandy ! It's a scorched earth blast of killer triumphant riffs and pestilent NWOBHM hooks, apocalyptic acoustic guitars swept away into a sea of buzzing blastbeats and grim, frosty black metal. Killer stuff that fans of the recent slate of scorched black n' roll albums from Craft and Negator would probably dig. Limited edition of 750, with the disc and insert contained in a Paradigms series full-color card sleeve wallet that is sealed inside of a hand-stamped presentation envelope. Recommended!